The PM1 portable darkrooms have been designed to work with plates up to 20 x 25 cm. Their structure and materials are intended to make these darkrooms compact, durable and easy to transport. It takes less than 4 minutes to assemble or disassemble and two wheels on the base allow move the suitcase easily.

The PS2 portable darkbox are suitable to work with plates up to 13 x 18 cm. Two work surfaces provide a comfortable space to move bottles, tanks and plate holders inside.

The sensitizing tanks for wet plate collodions are made with an outer wooden box and an inner acrylic box suitable to silver nitrate bath. These tanks are very resistant to shocks and moistures thanks to a robust structure and varnish used. We can make them on demand at any plate size up to 80 x 80 cm.


Fixing tanks

Dark cloth
Restoration services:
Case study: The Daguerre-Giroux camera
On 15th June of 2015 we began the restoration of 国内ios如何使用youtubecamera serial number 178, owned by the Reial Acadèmia de les Ciències i les Arts de Barcelona (RACAB). With this camera we also was restored the plates box and the chemistry bottles box, that were part of this original laboratory set for the daguerreotypes process. Unfortunately the original plate holder, the mercury fuming box and the rest of equipment was lost.
Known as Le Daguerréotype, the Daguerre-Giroux camera was the first photographic equipment commercialized to make images with daguerreotype technique, the first photographic process invented by Louis Daguerre and patented in France on 1839.

Case study: Blanxart daguerreotypes laboratory
On 7th July of 2014 we began the restoration of an original and almost complete laboratory to make daguerreotypes. The laboratory and its photo archive they remained for years in the Blanxart family house and is currently guarded by the Arxiu Fotogràfic de Barcelona. This public institution has prompted the restoration and has made available to study and learn about daguerreotype process.



Brass lens flanges

Adapted lens boards

Reducing frames
If you have any question, don't hesitate to contact us for more information, to place an order or request a budget.